[slide image_width="650" image_height="300" link="your_link" alt_text="check it out" auto_resize="true"] full url of your image [/slide]
[slide image_width="650" image_height="300" link="your_link" alt_text="check it out" auto_resize="true"] full url of your image [/slide]
[image thumb_width="135" thumb_height="135" lightbox="true" custom_link="" title="sample image"] full url of your image [/image]
[image thumb_width="135" thumb_height="135" lightbox="true" custom_link="" title="sample image"] full url of your image [/image]
[image thumb_width="135" thumb_height="135" lightbox="true" custom_link="" title="sample image"] full url of your image [/image]